Thursday, May 14, 2009

On Aspiring to be a Hanson Brother

So it's been a while since I've posted. Whoops!

Declan has ANOTHER ear infection, I think. This will be his third one in five weeks. I'm starting to worry that he'll need to have tubes in his ears. He doesn't seem bothered by the ear infections, but hearing him hack like an 80-year-old life-long smoker is getting old, despite how cute his smile is after he's done. It's like he's so proud of himself for keeping his lungs in his chest.

The next neat thing he's starting doing: babbling! He's started saying, "Mmm ba ba ba ba" and it's so ridiculously cute that I can't stand it. No, seriously... I really can't. The last time he did it, I started laughing and choked on my food. Guess what? Cuteness IS deadly.

The best part about his babbling is it makes him sound like a Hanson brother. "Mmm ba ba ba"... it's like a throwback to the '90's. I'm waiting for the, "Bye bye bye" and my boy band life will be complete!

Mother's Day was awesome. Jordan got me a silver locket that says, "Declan and Mom" on it, and inside is a picture of Declan and I. It's beautiful! We went mini-golfing too, and... for future reference: strollers on a mini-golf course are rough and I recommend it only for professional stroller users. If you are a novice stroller user-- STAY AWAY! I'm slightly better than a novice and maneuvering around tiny lighthouses, rocks, and sand pits is a challenge.

Off to watch Grey's Anatomy... if Derek and Meredith don't get married, I quit the show.

This time, I mean it.

Monday, May 4, 2009

The Debate Continues

So Declan has an ear infection. Again. This is his second one and he's only 5 1/2 months old. I'm starting to think that giving up breastfeeding may have been one of the worst decisions for his health. He's so susceptible to them now, between that and going to daycare. They don't seem to bother him at all (he's still so happy-go-lucky) but it really bothers me.

When I went back to work my milk supply decreased drastically. I was getting about 6 ounces a DAY and that was pumping 3 times a day, for 15-20 minutes. I just couldn't keep up with his needs. He's a big kid (in the 75%) and needs a lot of milk. I decided to stop breastfeeding and give him formula. He's doing very well on it, gaining weight, but it's more of a nagging thing in the back of my mind that makes me think, "Is this really what is best?" It's drilled into women from the moment of conception that the breast is best. We all know that.

I guess I can't help but feel a little guilty. If I was able to be a stay at home mom, he'd still be breastfeeding and might not have an ear infection. He still could have an ear infection despite the fact that I'd be breastfeeding. I guess I'll never know.

In 10 years he'll be drinking coke, munching on chips, and playing video games with friends. In 10 years, I doubt breast vs. formula will really matter.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I'm Such a Mess.

So today two of my friends came to visit me and Declan. They're getting married next month and I am SO ecstatic. Sarah was my roommate for a semester in college and she had to put up with me and my mess.

I'm a messy person. I love to say I'm organized, and I am, when it comes to important things like work and appointments; however, when it comes to real-life stuff like being neat, clean, and orderly, I suck. I suck real hard. I couldn't keep my room clean to save my life. Hell, my boyfriend has even told me we would always be in a relationship until I got my act together and became a neat person. To this DAY I'm still a mess. Either:

A) I don't want to get married or

B) I'm just naturally a messy, chaotic person and I can help it as much as I can avoid cheese.

For those of you who don't know me: Cheese= the reason I'm not a vegan.

To be completely and utterly honest, I'm not sure if it is A or B. Marriage is such a big decision and I don't know if I'm ready for it.

But wait! Before you all cry, "But you have a baby!" I want you to remember this: He was unplanned. You PLAN a marriage. You don't wake up one morning with a groggy memory of a chapel, a white dress, and a marriage certificate. Unless, of course, you're Britney Spears.

Getting married is a much bigger thing than I think it is and it scares me. It terrifies me. Marriage is so big I can't even comprehend the idea of spending the rest of my life with someone. It's almost the same way I think about death. Death is so final. Marriage is fairly final too, at least to me. I want to be married once, that's it. There is an enormous amount of pressure on me to get married (I feel) because I already have a child with the man I am in a relationship with, so marriage is the next step, right?

Tradition is a bunch of bullshit. Tradition says marriage, then babies. I've already done the untraditional thing by having a child out of wedlock. Why try to forge a traditional path at this point?

Like I said, I'm a mess. Bare with me on this one.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

An Introduction

So I did it.

I finally broke down and joined Twitter.

I'm not sure what I could possibly "tweet" that would be interesting enough that people would want to read, but, their call really, not mine. People seem to think they have such interesting lives and I'm not sure mine is that interesting.

Okay, so maybe it's slightly interesting. I'm 23, live with my parents, my siblings, and my 5-month-old son, Declan. I graduated with a degree in economics, and I'll be damned if I don't use it in my everyday life. I even integrated it into my blog: Mamanopoly. Declan only has one Mama, so DEAR GOD do not parent my son or tell me how to do things or I'll kick you ass faster than the chicks from Rock of Love Bus can down a bottle of tequila.

I'm not politically correct. Deal with it.

I'm going to try this blogging thing as well. I'd love to be able to look back on my son's life and say, "See! Mommy did love you! She paid attention!" and be able to say, "On April 25th, 2009 you wore your first pair of jeans." Which is true, by the way. He inherited his father's ass which is a fantastic quality that I hope all girls appreciate later in life. Of all the things Declan got from his father, his ass would probably be one of the better qualities. Let me back track and say that he has other qualities that Declan inherited that are just as nice, but hot damn. Nice ass.